Prayer Schedule

Saturday, July 27, 2024
21 Muharram 1445

Starts Iqamah
Fajr1 5:10 6:00
Zuhr 1:44 2:00
Asr 5:28 6:45
Maghrib 8:48
Isha 10:12 10:30
1. Fajr ends at 6:43
2. The 1st Jum'ah service starts 2:00pm and the 2nd one at 2:55pm sharp

Sunday, July 28, 2024
22 Muharram 1445

Starts Iqamah
Fajr1 5:11 6:00
Zuhr 1:44 2:00
Asr 5:28 6:45
Maghrib 8:47
Isha 10:11 10:30
1. Fajr ends at 6:44
2. The 1st Jum'ah service starts 2:00pm and the 2nd one at 2:55pm sharp

Al-Farooq Masjid

442 14th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 874-7521
(404) 919-7521
Directions    Email us

Congregation for Eid-ul-Adha Salah at Al-Farooq Masjid of Atlanta

Posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 9:19 pm

Alhamdulillah, Ed-ul-Adha is on Friday, July 31, 2020 and as per the Shariah guidelines, it is Wajib (necessary) on individuals to establish EID Salah collectively. With the help of Allah and from the help of volunteers, we are planning to establish the Salah at Al-Farooq Masjid with the following:


  1. There will be 4 congregations
  2. 50-70 people will be allowed a time on first come first serve basis
  3. Children under 10 and individuals above 65 of age or with pre-existing conditions will not be allowed.
  4. Come with Masks
  5. Bring your own personal prayer rug
  6. Maintain 6 feet distance at all times
  7. Be ready to get your temperature checked at the entry point
  8. Sign the Questionnaire and pledge form to waive the liability of the Masjid
  9. Leave the Masjid premises immediately after Salah

Eid Salah Location:

Parking lot (open area) basement of the parking on the back of Dar-un-Noor Academy.

Eid Salah Timings:

  • 1st Jama’ah: 7:30am
  • 2nd Jama’ah: 8:0am
  • 3rd Jama’ah: 8:30am
  • 4th Jama’ah: 9:00am


Al-Farooq Masjid of Atlanta will open its premises for Eid-ul-Adha in limited form and happy to welcome all congregants for Eid Salah Congregation. The actual building will remain closed. Therefore, all congregants, participants, and visitors are required to follow the guidelines and must fill the questionnaire before entering the Masjid premises. All are requested to print the questionnaire and Masjid waiver form at home, fill it, and submit to our volunteers at the time of entry.

Guidlines Q&A

MOHID is Al-Farooq Masjid's preferred method of accepting donations/payments.


Please write a check to “Al-Farooq Masjid” and either put it within a donation box at the masjid or mail it to:

Al-Farooq Masjid
442 14th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

1st Jum'ah Service: 2:00pm (English Bayaan starts at 1:50pm)

2nd Jum'ah Service: 2:55pm sharp

Please select Lovejoy Muslim Cemetery as the category to make payments for Cemetery services.  Call or text Fareed Ahmed with questions at 678-368-3939.


From your mobile phone, click the below link to be added to our Masjid announcements group via WhatsApp.


International Users: Join our International WhatsApp Group

(Note: An international group was created to prevent unwanted spam messages to our local residents - we will try to monitor all groups as best as we can.  JZAK!)

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And every human being's destiny have We tied to his neck; and on the Day of Resurrection We shall bring forth for him a record which he will find wide open;

Qur'an 17:13