
Prayer Schedule

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
12 Ramadan 1446

Starts Iqamah
Fajr1 6:29 6:49
Zuhr 1:47 2:00
Asr 5:09 6:30
Maghrib 7:47
Isha 9:00 9:10
1. Fajr ends at 7:51
2. The 1st Jum'ah service starts 2:00pm and the 2nd one at 2:55pm sharp

Thursday, March 13, 2025
13 Ramadan 1446

Starts Iqamah
Fajr1 6:27 6:47
Zuhr 1:47 2:00
Asr 5:10 6:30
Maghrib 7:48
Isha 9:01 9:11
1. Fajr ends at 7:50
2. The 1st Jum'ah service starts 2:00pm and the 2nd one at 2:55pm sharp

Al-Farooq Masjid

442 14th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 874-7521
Jummah 2pm &  2:50pm
Directions    Email us

Dragon Goal Tournament

Posted on Friday, March 17, 2017 10:56 pm
A Dragon Goal (Soccer) 3 vs 3 Tournament for boys and girls ages 6 to 18 in various categories is being held in Atlanta. If you are interested in participating, please fill the form below:

Youth Weekend Camp

Posted on Saturday, March 11, 2017 8:10 pm
Atlanta’s all new Muslim youth camp will be held at FDR State Park March 31st - April 2nd. Speakers and Mentors include Sh. Abdullah Jaber and Matib Ahmad.

From swimming the lake with friends, to reading Quran under the moonlight, to eating BBQ while listening to the words of knowledgeable mentors, to playing team building games in the outdoors, the experiences these three days offer the campers will be invaluable. 

Darul Uloom - Now Enrolling

Posted on Friday, March 10, 2017 10:16 pm

Fight Hunger by Donating or Joining our Hunger Walk/Run

Posted on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 7:03 pm

On Sunday, March 5, 2017, thousands of people will come together to raise awareness and funds to help fight hunger in our community. Our team will be there – and we need your support!

Hunger Walk/Run is one of the most important hunger relief efforts of the year. The money we raise will feed hope for the 1 in 5 people who face hunger in our community.

Please join us in supporting this important mission! You can help us reach our team fundraising goal by making a donation on behalf of the entire team or a specific team member. Or take the next step against hunger by walking/running with us on March 5.

Together, we can make sure that a child in our community doesn’t go to bed hungry tonight. We can offer a glimmer of hope to struggling parents desperately trying to make ends meet for their family. We can ensure another senior citizen isn’t forced to choose between paying for medicine or food.  

Thank you so much, and we hope to see you at the Hunger Walk/Run! Click here to participate:

Visit a Mosque Day

Posted on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 6:35 pm

The Atlanta Muslim Community has organized a city-wide #VisitAMosqueATL day on Saturday, March 11th where area mosques will open their doors to the general public. Although most mosques are always open to the public, this is a chance for individuals and groups to enjoin in a casual setting with Muslims from their neighborhoods.

All mosques that have the capacity & experience holding open houses are invited to join the effort. There is no command & control structure, but rather an independent effort by each mosque. Each mosque will be responsible for how well they run their open house


Saturday, March 11, 3 to 6 PM


Our goal is to strengthen communication and understanding across communities and allow people of different faiths to get to know one another on a more personal level. We hope that this is one of many events that you all will join us in to help foster a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood in our communities. Together, we can encourage people of all faiths to learn more about each other and build relationships, which will ultimately strengthen our communities.


Open House will be held at participating mosques. Please note: This is not the final list. This page is being updated regularly as more mosques confirm. For more information please email

Volunteer To Help Refugee Orphans

Posted on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:36 pm

We are trying to launch a program to help refugee orphans in the Atlanta area. We need volunteers who can help in any capacity - tutoring, mentorship, companionship, financial support etc. Please signup here:

Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or comments at

Love and Mercy: A Blueprint for a Successful Family

Posted on Saturday, February 4, 2017 11:38 pm

Burial Will Workshop

Posted on Saturday, January 28, 2017 9:58 am

We will be having a Burial Will Workshop on Sunday, Jan 29 at 11:15 am at the second floor library. We will explain the process that takes place after a person's death and will go over the simple Burial Will that will be completed during the workshop. A notary will be present on site who will help complete the document. 

Please attend to complete the will for free. This is especially important if you are the only Muslim in your family or you do not have any other family in town. However, all Muslims are encouraged to have this document completed to ensure we are able to perform Islamic rites such as ghusl, janazah and burial in an Islamic cemetery if someone was to pass away. 

Note: The burial will only describes what must take place after a person's death in terms of the preparation of the body and burial. It does not contain any inheritance information.

Janazah for Stanley Browne

Posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 8:35 pm

Please try to attend the janazah of Br. Saeed Muhammad Abu Bakr (Stanley M. Browne) on Thursday (1/19) after dhuhr salah at Al-Farooq Masjid at 2pm. He has no Muslim family members and has been attending classes at our masjid for several years. May Allah (swt) forgive him and grant him Jannatul Firdous. إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون

Feed the Homeless 5 Year Anniversary

Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:22 pm

To celebrate Al-Farooq Masjid's 5th year in feed the homeless program which takes place every other week - we are distributing winter care packages to the homeless on January 22. These packages includes a hat, socks, winter gloves and other necessities for homeless. You can volunteer to help in the distribution by meeting at Al-Farooq Masjid's elevator lobby at 10am to pack around 220-300 lunch boxes for homeless and then head to the parks in downtown Atlanta to distribute the food and winter care packages.

If you cannot participate, you can still donate to cover the costs of the winter care packages at this link: and select the category as 'Feed the Homeless'. Please contact Sister Fatuma or Br. Khalid Rashied at 404-454-5500 for more details.

Sisters' Halaqah Postponed Due to Inclement Weather

Posted on Friday, January 6, 2017 8:49 pm

Sisters' Halaqah will be postponed to January 14th due to inclement weather. It will take plce at 3pm in the basement Abu Bakr Hall as usual. There will be no halaqah on January 7th. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Love & Mercy - A Blueprint For A Successful Family

Posted on Friday, January 6, 2017 8:40 pm

Register for Free Here:

Important Notice - First Jummah Salah Moved To 1pm

Posted on Thursday, January 5, 2017 7:27 pm

Important Notice

Due to the possibility of inclement weather, the first Jummah salah has been moved to 1pm insha'Allah and the second Jummah salah is at 2:50pm insha'Allah. Please share this notice. Thank you and Jazak Allah Khair.

Basketball Team

Posted on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 10:25 pm
Al-Farooq Masjid is forming a basketball team for an upcoming Muslim league. We are looking for volunteer coaches as well as interested individuals who would like to participate. If interested, please email

Know Your Rights

Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2016 4:49 am

MOHID is Al-Farooq Masjid's preferred method of accepting donations/payments.


Please write a check to “Al-Farooq Masjid” and either put it within a donation box at the masjid or mail it to:

Al-Farooq Masjid
442 14th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

1st Jum'ah Service: 2:00pm (English Bayaan starts at 1:50pm)

2nd Jum'ah Service: 2:55pm sharp

Please select Lovejoy Muslim Cemetery as the category to make payments for Cemetery services.  Call or text Fareed Ahmed with questions at 678-368-3939.


From your mobile phone, click the below link to be added to our Masjid announcements group via WhatsApp.


Follow us on Instagram!

Surely those who guard (against evil) are in a secure place, In gardens and springs;

Qur'an 44:51-52